Trucking regulations
Many in trucking lament what they perceive as regulatory overreach. We will face a continual flow of trucking regulations so long as highway safety deteriorates, so it pays to take safety into one’s own hands. It’s all about control. That’s what you can hear from frustrated fleet managers and their professional drivers—the government is trying to control our every action.
Take the speed limiter proposal, they say. “It’s the government bureaucrats, most of whom have never been in a truck cab, who are trying to control the flexibility we need to accommodate merging traffic and to pass slowpoke drivers holding up traffic. We will face a continual flow of regulations so long as highway safety deteriorates. And many of those regulations will attempt to control some aspect of speed and speeding because: 1) speeding is one of the most frequent reasons cars and trucks are pulled over, and 2) simple physics tells us that crashes at higher speeds are more deadly and damaging. Yes, tell the regulators where their proposals may fall short—and be sure to share that with your elected officials.
But even well-founded complaints will not succeed unless drivers reduce truck speeding. That takes self-control by fleet managers and their drivers. Summer driving offers plenty of opportunities for self-control. Highway work zones restrict lanes and lower speed limits. Fleet managers themselves must exercise self-control when traffic, weather, or road conditions cause their drivers to reduce speeds below the legal limit, possibly affecting on-time operations. Instead, thank the drivers for not risking another truck-involved accident and creating even more impetus for regulations. We all can get frustrated by what we cannot control. That’s why we must turn to those things we can control, beginning with ourselves.
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