Reverse logistics in trucking
Reverse logistics in trucking is the problem that retail companies and businesses have ignored and let pile up since the pandemic. 3PLs are still struggling to find a solution for all the consumer goods that get returned, a problem that gets larger during the holidays. The holiday shopping season is in full swing, with Christmas just 19 days away.
All that shopping also means that retailers will deal with returned merchandise. These returns—that many retailers and businesses have allowed to pile up since the pandemic—have left the industry scrambling to get a grip on their returns process.
You get to this point where all these returns are coming back, and the logistics around getting them back to the store where they can possibly be resold is a huge challenge that is still just in its infancy in terms of getting fixed. For-hire fleets and owner-operators could find opportunities to alleviate some of the retail pain points associated with returns and reverse logistics by picking up a few extra lanes hauling returned goods back to their source. Consumer returns and reverse logistics have become a nationwide challenge for retailers and businesses.
With the sharp increase in e-commerce since the pandemic and no signs of slowing along with the continuing complexities of returns, transportation partners must find ways to simplify reverse logistics. Reverse logistics doesn’t only affect the business selling the goods. It also affects the trucking fleets delivering the goods. utbound freight is simple. An order comes through based on demand planning in a company’s supply chain.
The order then turns into a warehouse order to fill a truck. It then becomes a shipping order or a load, and a truck takes it where it needs to go.
Tired of looking for loads and you have a semi truck?
Our professional team will save you all of your troubles. We charge only 5% or less and we take care for the following:
Loads search, negotiate best rates, calculate hours, set-up packets, request detentions/layovers.
We will send weekly reports which include all empty miles, loaded miles, revenue, and rate per mile for each week.
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